

© FAO/Ami Vitale
© FAO/Ami Vitale

TAPipedia, developed within the context of Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), is an information sharing system designed to enhance knowledge exchange in support of Capacity Development (CD) for Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS). TAPipedia aims to be a global information system for good CD practices, innovation outputs, success stories and lesson learned.

TAPipedia allows TAP partners and other stakeholders to share their own applied and context specific CD for Agricultural Innovation Systems AIS resources and to discover such knowledge from different sources, partners and regions. TAPipedia also assist TAP members to present, explain and promote the Common Framework on CD for AIS, so that it may be more easily tested, improved, adopted and implemented by stakeholders.

TAPipedia is key to fulfill TAP’s goal of increasing farmers’ income, improving food security and allowing for a sustainable management of natural resources. These objectives can be achieved by promoting agricultural innovation. As agriculture increasingly involves complex interactions of environmental and socio-economic factors with stakeholders at multiple levels, innovation needs an AIS perspective. By AIS we mean all the individuals, organizations and enterprises that bring new products, processes and forms of organization into use to achieve food security, economic development and sustainable natural resource management.