Natural hazards have become more frequent and intense in the last few decades, increasing the often significant negative impacts on the gross domestic product of countries in southern Africa and undermining development efforts. Forecasts are negative as a result of climate change, which is increasingly linked to more frequent and severe weather patterns that are expected to have a dramatic impact on these countries‘ economies and environments. Farmer field schools (FFS) represent a significant step forward in agricultural education and extension by increasing the resilience of small-scale farmers. Traditional top-down technology transfer systems have a role in some aspects of agriculture development, but the human capacity building required for the creation of independent commercial farmers and farmer organizations needs new approaches. Farmer field schools provide specific technical skills. They also provide organizational skills and practice, analytical skills and practice, and basic group assets, such as the trust and confidence required for joint activities. This booklet provides an overview of the FFS approach and considerations for FFS implementation, and relates FFS experiences in Africa and the southern Africa region.
This brief provides practical guidelines on storage practices and methodologies to assist southern African farmers prone to natural hazards, mainly cyclones, droughts and floods. Indeed, suboptimal storage of agricultural products can lead to important losses resulting in increased vulnerability of...
As a party to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBO), there is a need for Malaysia to implement its commitment to CBO's objectives on conserving biological diversity, sustainable utilisation of natural resources, and fair and equitable benefit sharing deriving from the...
Secure tenure is an important prerequisite for sustainable forest management. More diversified tenure systems could provide a basis for improving forest management and local livelihoods, particularly where the State has insufficient capacity to manage forests. In the past decade many...
The poor performance of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is known to be largely due to the lack of effective and client- responsive agricultural research and development that could generate appropriate technologies and innovations to stimulate the agricultural development process. As...