Innovation in smallholder farming in Africa: recent advances and recommendations. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa ( AISA )
conference proceedings
Triomphe Bernard
Waters-Bayer Ann
Klerkx Laurens
Schut Marc
Cullen Beth
Geoffrey Kamau
Ewen Le Borgne

These proceedings include all the papers presented during the AISA workshop either as oral (keynote) papers (5) or as posters (26). It also includes the edited text resulting from the Living Keynote process, an innovation in itself.

The AISA workshop was held on 29-31 May 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya, as part of an international week devoted to Agricultural innovation in Africa. The AISA workshop focused on active social learning among participants, developed a collective "living keynote" about the following issues:
1) Innovation drop zones? Dealing with interventions ‘parachuted’ into situations without due appreciation of, and embedding into local realities
2) Life under the hedge? Missing endogenous innovations under the radars of innovation ‘experts’
3) Follow the bright lights? Fitting current enthusiasms, e.g. for market-driven innovation, to all circumstances
4) Surf the wave? Balancing more directed and output-driven innovation projects with more opportunistic outcome-oriented innovation processes
5) Brain gain? Strengthening capacities for innovation and for facilitating innovation processes
6) Suspended motion? Monitoring, evaluating, adjusting, learning and reflecting on innovation results, outcomes and impacts
7) Ripples of change? scaling innovation, up and out

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