A lo largo de su historia, los servicios de Extensión y Asistencia Técnica en América Latina y el Caribe han sido un instrumento focalizado, mayormente, hacia la pequeña agricultura como una forma de mejorar las condiciones de vida en el entorno rural y llevar tecnologías (conocimientos) que sirvan no solo para aumentar la productividad, sino que devengan en un motor del desarrollo y un medio para alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria. Este documento pretende hacer un recuento de lo que en este tema se ha venido realizando, así como servir de punto de partida para reflexionar, discutir y analizar las propuestas hechas y el futuro de las funciones de los programas de extensión en las Américas.
Agriculture and food supply face a repositioning in the context of challenges associated with the Millennium Development Goals. From a development perspective it is of central importance to identify the role that the sector should perform in the fight against...
Institutional innovations are critical for effective performance of agricultural research centres in natural resource management projects that often include multiple and diverse stakeholders with contrasting objectives and activities. This report shows how institutional histories of projects can be used as...
Innovation is largely held to be unlikely in rural regions. This reflects the current emphasis on regional innovations systems that are driven by large expenditures on formal science based activity that results in patentable outcomes. From this metric the observation...
This briefing considers the status, systems, instruments and institutions underpinning agricultural innovation and research for development (ARD) globally and in the ACP countires. It puts a strong emphasis on lessons learnt and opportunities for successful agricultural innovation, based on broad...
Wealth creation through integrated development of potato production brings together a wide range of positive livelihood changes for potato farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia (Nairobi, Kenya) The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) released evaluation reports on a CFC-funded and...