This module is the second in the series designed to improve Capacity Development (CD) approaches in projects and programmes of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It includes examples and tools to support endogenous CD processes...
There is renewed attention on the importance of advisory services and extension in rural development processes. This paper, based on the publication ‘Mobilizing the potential of rural and agricultural extension', focuses on five opportunities to mobilise the potential of extension...
The inadequate linkage of knowledge generation in agricultural research organizations with policy-making and economic activity is an important barrier to sustainable development and poverty reduction. The emerging fields of sustainability science and innovation systems studies highlight the importance of boundary...
This section discusses the role of innovation brokers in bridging communication gaps between various actors of innovation systems. On the basis of recent experience in the Netherlands, it outlines the success of brokers in finding solutions adapted to the needs...
This Module is the first in a series of four that address capacity development competencies in FAO. It is intended to provide FAO staff and consultants with a basic understanding and knowledge of Capacity Development (CD), reflecting the international debate...
The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the role that benchmarking can play in rural and agricultural innovations. Although generally known as 'traditional sector', rural activities are far from static but rather driven by old and new challenges pleading...
Relying entirely on survey information and personal exchanges with over 70 scientists from within the CGIAR network, this working paper attempts to achieve a better understanding of the scope of social learning related efforts undertaken in CGIAR and main issues...
Background note for the development of an AIS Investment Sourcebook that provides a menu of tools and guidance to invest in agricultural innovation in different contexts. The content is drawn on tested good practice examples and innovative approaches with emphasis...
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel de los intermediarios de innovación (II) en la tecnología y el proceso de transferencia de conocimientos en el sector agrícola. Exploramos el caso de un Mundial en México, la Fundación Produce...
Proceedings of a workshop dealing with issues around enhancing agricultural innovation and the impact and usefulness of ag R&D. It includes stakeholders analysis, different levels of case studies and specific innovation experiences and has policy and specific action recommendations....
Scaling represents successful diffusion that ensures sizeable impact and earnings from information and communication technology (ICI) innovations in emerging markets. Practice can still be shaped by dualistic views-innovation vs diffusion, pilot vs scale-up, lead firm vs other actors, technical vs...