This paper explores the application of the innovation systems framework to the design and construction of national agricultural innovation indicators. Optimally, these indicators could be used to gauge and benchmark national performance in developing more responsive, dynamic, and innovative agricultural sectors in developing countries. The paper develops a conceptual framework that ties the innovation systems framework to the agricultura sector; reviews how the framework has been used to develop innovation indicators in other fields; discusses a set of potential innovation indicators for developing-country agriculture; and identifies potential data sources and methods for constructing different types of indicators.
This brief explains the concept of gender equality in advisory services and discusses the opportunities that gender equality in rural advisory services can create for global and local food production, women’s economic empowerment, household food security, and nutrition. It summarises...
This report is based on systematic review of over 500 documents, and discusses, impact of the farmer field school, theory of change, targeting farmers, implementation, impact on participant farmers, and implications for policy, research and practice.
The Africa Capacity Indicators 2012 Report (2012A CIR) seeks to address the issues of capacity development on the African continent, building on the dialogue stemming from the inaugural 2011 ACIR and linking this to a very pertinent issue facing Africa...
Extension and advisory services (EAS) 1 play an important role in agricultural development. However, these services need new capacities to address the current challenges in agriculture and to contribute better to agricultural innovation – a process that that requires interactions...