West and Central African Council for Africulture Research and Development (WECARD) and Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) research that explores how national agricultural research organisations use innovation platforms to strengthen innovation capacity and address capacity gaps in sector development. The aim is to share the experiences of the national agricultural research systems, and real-life stories of the challenges and successes in facilitating innovation platforms.The chapters of the book take up several sticky issues and engage with them critically: policy pathways, gender equity and inclusion, and knowledge and information sharing. The introductory chapter provides context on food crops, food security and the importance of women in production, processing and trade. It traces the development of agricultural research and extension and examines innovation platforms – what they are and how they work. From there the authors introduce DONATA, an initiative involving all of the cases presented in this book. The publication discusses how it was set up and how it interpreted innovation platforms in cassava and maize sectors in West and Central Africa.
This report sets out the synthesis of work carried out within the framework of the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) Secretariat Initiative on “The family economy and agricultural innovation: towards new partnerships”. The initiative aimed to stimulate analyses, collect...
This Module is the first in a series of four that address capacity development competencies in FAO. It is intended to provide FAO staff and consultants with a basic understanding and knowledge of Capacity Development (CD), reflecting the international debate...
This paper represents a guidance to USAID on elements to incorporate into a strategy to improve agricultural research, and a technical brief to guide USAID investments in NARS strengthening
The paper is the final output from a one-day Roundtable which was held on...
This publication is a product of learning and sharing events supported by IFAD and its partner institutions. Presented in this publication are nine cases of development innovations selected from the IFAD country programme in the Philippines. These cases, selected and largely written...
The book includes a significant discussion in the role of innovation platforms and how they relate to IAR4D and the innovation system perspective, with treatment both at the theoretical and case study level (Africa)