The book offers insights into the theory and practice of ‘innovation systems’. It covers background and concepts about the ‘how to’ of facilitating innovation, and the role of the broader context. The emphasis is about the dynamics of rural innovation – how to work with the changing nature of both the context and people involved in rural innovation processes and how to facilitate networks of stakeholders to stimulate innovation. It offers support to agricultural and rural development professionals as enablers and facilitators of stakeholder-led innovation, based on evidence from inspirational stories of how different people – from farmers to extension of officers, business leaders, traders, NGO staff, and policy makers – collaborate to make new and successful things happen.
This Module is the first in a series of four that address capacity development competencies in FAO. It is intended to provide FAO staff and consultants with a basic understanding and knowledge of Capacity Development (CD), reflecting the international debate...
Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) are often mentioned as a promising platform for the delivery of nutrition knowledge and practices, due to the close interaction that EAS agents have with farmers through their role as service providers in rural...
Improving Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers (IPMS)