Summary of the first week of the e-conference "Innovation systems for food security and nutrition: understanding the capacities needed". The e-conference, organized by the Secretariat of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP), is aiming at bringing together the issues of capacity development, agricultural innovation, and food security and nutrition with the objective of developing recommendations for policy-making.
The e-conference started on 18 April and will last until 13 May 2016.
This paper provides background information and introduce the topics of the conference "Innovation systems for food security and nutrition: understanding the capacities needed". Organized by the Tropical Agriculture Platform, the conference aimes at bringing together the issues of capacity development, agricultural innovation, and food security and...
The brochure summarizes main features and goals of the EU funded CDAIS project, jointly implemented by FAO and AGRINATURA to support the TAP Action Plan.
Based on three regional needs assessments, a strategic Action Plan has been formulated and adopted by the TAP Partner Assembly, held in China in September 2013. It defines the outcomes, outputs and activities of TAP, which are considered instrumental for...
While the need for expanding the mandate of extension services is fairly well recognised, ways of operationalising the expanded vision have not been well articulated. This paper aims to provide insights on innovation management, which could be an important operational...
This review seeks to assess the usefulness of innovation systems approaches in the context of IAR4D in guiding research agendas, generating knowledge and use in improving food security and nutrition, reducing poverty and generating cash incomes for resource-poor farmers. The...